North Town Veterinary Hospital 905-451-2000

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North Town Wins Best Animal Hospital
North Town Wins Best Animal Hospital in Brampton

North Town Wins Best Animal Hospital

We have been recognized as the “Best Animal Hospital in Brampton” and the “Best Veterinary Services in Brampton” at the Readers’ Choice Awards, hosted by the Brampton Guardian.

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Why Do Cats Have Whiskers?
Why Do Cats Have Whiskers?

Why Do Cats Have Whiskers?

Whiskers are a sensory organ, so cutting them off would be comparable to humans cutting off their senses such as sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste.

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The Geriatric Dog: Urinary Incontinence
The Geriatric Dog: Urinary Incontinence

The Geriatric Dog: Urinary Incontinence

When I was younger and before I was in the veterinary field my dog Bella, who was roughly nine years old, developed a urinary incontinence. 

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Cannabis Intoxication in Cats and Dogs
Cannabis Intoxication in Cats and Dogs

Cannabis Intoxication in Cats and Dogs

Pets have more cannabinoid receptors in their brains than humans. This means that the effects of cannabis are more dramatic and potentially more toxic.

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Rats are Not Gross or Scary
Rats are Not Gross or Scary

Rats are Not Gross or Scary

First, it is important to say that rats definitely aren’t for everyone, and a lot of people are nervous or scared around them which is ok.

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Keep The Cone On!
Keep The Cone On!

Keep The Cone On!

Yes, friends, we are discussing the dreaded “Elizabethan collar” so named for the silly high collars worn in the Elizabethan era (think Shakespeare).

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The Ups and Downs of Going to Dog Parks
The Ups and Downs of Going to Dog Parks

The Ups and Downs of Going to Dog Parks

There is more to consider then you would generally think when choosing to take your furry friend to a dog specific park.

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Ear Infections in Dogs
Ear Infections in Dogs

Ear Infections in Dogs

Because the ear canal in dogs is mostly vertical (unlike a human ear canal that is horizontal), it is easy for debris and moisture to be retained in the ear canal. 

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The Healthy Happy Rabbit Pet
The Healthy Happy Rabbit Pet

The Healthy Happy Rabbit Pet

Have a pet rabbit? How to check that you’re doing everything possible to keep your rabbits happy and healthy. 

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Common Plant Toxicities
Common Plant Toxicities

Common Plant Toxicities

I was weeding my garden today, and I realized that there are a lot of common plants which I see as toxicities in Emergency situations.

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Why Does My Dog Eat Grass?
Why Does My Dog Eat Grass?

Why Does My Dog Eat Grass?

Unfortunately, there is no clear answer, and the reasons can vary from dog to dog. Here are the popular theories among vets

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Pet Ear Mites (Otodectes Cynotis)
Pet Ear Mites (Otodectes Cynotis)

Pet Ear Mites (Otodectes Cynotis)

Otodectes cynotis are mites that commonly live in the ears of dogs and cats, but can also be found on other areas of the body. 

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