Blog: Pet Nutrition & Wellness

Dog eating from a bowl

Why Weight Matters by Dr. Tiffany Rennick

In veterinary medicine we are seeing an epidemic of obesity in companion animals that is very concerning. As researchers have studied adipose tissue (fat) more they have gained a greater understanding of its function and discovered that it is the most abundant source of hormones in the body. It also...

Dog next to a skunk

Don’t Panic – We Can Help By: Karlie RVT

As we get into the warmer weather, something that we tend to see quite a bit of is our patients getting a little too friendly with skunks. Here is a little background information on our little visitors: 1) Skunks do not usually spray a target unless they are feeling scared...

Dog with leaves on it and drinking water from a bowl

Common Plant Toxicities

I was weeding my garden today, and I realized that there are a lot of common plants which I see as toxicities in Emergency situations.  I thought I would do the top 5 that I see; then mention a few really toxic plants, which I would not have around my...